Wednesday 18 March 2015

Gaming consoles of the future
Ever wondered what the future gaming consoles would look like? Well lets talk about that in this post. Luckily things are changing, and consoles, as they shuffle towards the end of their mortal coil, are leaving a vacuum in their wake that's being filled by a new generation of gaming platforms. Some of those platforms are hardware based, such as Amazon's new Fire TV, designed for both games and streaming media, while others are software services, including the games streaming service OnLive. Others are a combination of both and bring together high-end gaming hardware with its big-screen Steam OS – Steam's new hardware platform. For example, all of these platforms promise to change how computer games are made, sold and consumed. Some of them will make gaming cheaper, and all of them will bring the fight to Sony and Microsoft, who will have to fight or die in the face of their new competition.
OnLive gaming console.
The future Playstation console
The Oculus Rift
The Oculus Rift is the new gaming console of the future, it goes on your eyes. This console generates a 3d world where you can rotate 360 degrees around. Oculus Rift is a new virtual reality (VR) headset designed specifically for video games that will change the way you think about gaming forever. With an incredibly wide field of view, high resolution display, and ultra-low latency head tracking, the Rift provides a truly immersive experience that allows you to step inside your favorite game and explore new worlds like never before.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

eSports (Electronic Sports) started by lots of professional gamers live streaming on websites like, a lot of people liked to watched these people play as they found it enjoyable, entertaining and educational. This then grow more audience and soon tournaments on many games had started on these popular streaming websites, The popular team games like League of Legends was one of the most popular tournaments to watch as they would have many international professional gamers participating in these Championship series. These championship series started off with a small group of people watching, Season 1 of League of Legends. Then as the game gradually got better and more players were introduced to the game, the audience gradually became very large. Season 4 had one of the most people that attended the World Championship Series for League of Legends.

League of Legend's World Cup Championship Series Season 4 Finals ( Cloud 9 vs Team Solo Mid)

This picture above shows how popular gaming is become in this generation. After looking at it, this makes you feel that there will be a new era of gaming quickly that will emerge. Soon eSports will dominate the all the Sports, meaning that the market and audience of eSports will become supremely larger than the market and audience that Sports currently hold. Currently eSports overall is a multi-billionaire business. To some eyes eSports may not be considered as real sports to them but a competition like chess and checkers. I partially agree to this statement because in fact it a competition but between the teams that play in these tournaments. It's the race for the number 1 spot for the season.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

How Gaming Computers will look in the Future?

Since the 1990's building your own gaming computers have been a thing, even now. There are millions of computers being bought for general use or for business. Now there are so many people choosing to start a gaming career but they can't play these high end games because their computer is not powerful enough to operate these games smoothly. This is why many computer building companies have considered on starting to build gaming computers since the 1990's and the demand for gaming computers is significantly increasing world wide. A standard gaming desktop would cost around £700, that is excluding the monitor. The more expensive gaming computers would cost over £2000, also excluding the monitor.

Gaming computers have dramatically changed over the the past 15 years, the performance, speed, power and storage is increased a lot in these 15 years. Also the case of the computer looks better and the design of how the components are fitted inside of the case has changed so that it is easy to take the computer apart and put it back together.

What a gaming computer contains is quite unique to personal computers. An expensive gaming computer will have high performance, very fast speed and lots
of storage. The components within the gaming computer is what makes these specs of the computer. Here is a list of components that could potentially make your expensive dream gaming computer:

Monday 9 March 2015

The History of Gaming

Video games have been around over 20 years. The first ever game was built in 1972, it was called "Pong" and it was made for the arcade. Then in the 1980s mores games were being developed for the arcade machine, such as Mario and Pacman. Also the Nintendo was first released in the 1980s along with Nintendo's first game console,The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). 
The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
First released in 1985
Microsoft bundles a video game version of the classic card game solitaire with Windows 3.0. Millions of users who would not normally pick up a game console find they enjoy playing computer games. Solitaire becomes one of the most popular electronic games ever and provides a gaming model for quick, easy-to-play, casual games like Bejeweled.
Sega needs an iconic hero for its Genesis (known as Mega Drive in Japan) system and finds it in Sonic the Hedgehog. Gamers, especially in the United States, snap up Sega systems and love the little blue guy's blazing speed and edgy attitude. 
Playstation 1
First released in 1995
Sony releases PlayStation in the United States, selling for $100 less than Sega Saturn. The lower price point, along with the arrival of Nintendo 64 in 1996, weakens Sega's home console business. When Sony PlayStation 2 debuts in 2000, it becomes the dominant home console and Sega exits
the home console business.